Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Don't Sweat The Small Stuff

There are two types of people in this world: those who pick up their accidentally dropped keys with no complaints and go along their way and those who, more often than not, can't pick them up without cursing or letting out a big, miserable sigh.

For the longest time, I was that second person. As much as I wanted to be that person who took life's small slights and setbacks with a shrug, I wasn't. I freaked out, blew up, and flew off the proverbial handle in a loud huff whenever something bothered me.

It wasn't until I was sitting on the floor crying because I couldn't get out of my jacket that I realized maybe it wasn't the best approach to dealing with things. Maybe it wasn't the healthiest approach...

In my Fitness and Health Promotion program at Sir Sandford Fleming we learn about how feeling chronically stressed increases the risk of heart disease and weakens the immune system. We learn that if we could all be more even-keeled (so we didn't sweat the small stuff), we would enhance our physical and mental health.

I want to share with you a few simple things that I think about that help me to not sweat the small stuff that I picked up over the years. 
  1. Think about it. Will what happened affect your life significantly? 
  2. Look at the big picture. Why are you really feeling that way?
  3. Focus on the present.
  4. Breath.
  5. Name the emotions you're feeling. This reduces the activation of your emotional brain and engages your reasoning brain. It will help you focus on fixing the problem.
  6. Speak positively.
  7. If something doesn't happen the way you envisioned, don't get angry. Sometimes a spontaneous change of plans can be fun.
  8. Understand that happiness is a choice.
  9. Remember, your problem is like a snowflake. Are you going to let one tiny snowflake stop you from living? It'll melt away soon enough. 
  10. Not everything is an emergency.
If you met me today, you would think nothing bothered me. You would think I am one of the most optimistic/down-to-earth people out there. I am happy and healthy and I haven't had an anxiety attack in years because of it. 

So next time you trip over a curb or spill mustard down your shirt, take a step back and think before you start cursing. Shrugging it off will help your mind, body and spirit in the long run and believe me, it's worth it.

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